Singing Guide: Split Enz

Singing Guide: Split Enz

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Split Enz is a New Zealand band that became world famous in the late '70s and early '80s. The band's main vocalist, Tim Finn, possesses a unique voice that combines a distinctive tone with a wide range. Finn uses a broad range of singing techniques, from falsetto to powerful belting, and experimental melodic choices.

If you want to learn to sing like Tim Finn, it is crucial to recognize his singing style and understand the techniques he uses. This way, you can begin to adapt his unique style to your voice.

Firstly, the key to Finn's singing technique is his excellent breath control. Split Enz's songs are full of complex rhymes, vocal harmonies, and unexpected time signatures. When learning his songs, pay attention to his breath patterns and adjust your breathing accordingly. If you are struggling with breath control, consider taking Singing Carrots' course on breath support.

Secondly, Finn often employs unusual and original melodic phrasing, as well as a combination of singing registers. To learn how to explore different registers, Singing Carrots offers a chest voice explanation.

Finally, Finn's vocal range is broad, allowing him to sing in a wide variety of styles. Experimenting with your vocal range is essential when learning to sing like Tim Finn. Try new vocal warm-ups by playing Singing Carrots' voice range test for free. On this page, you can also browse the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers, including Finn himself.

To fully understand Finn's vocal technique, we recommend listening to his performances and trying to replicate his singing style. When learning a Split Enz song, Singing Carrots' song search can help you find tracks that match your vocal range, difficulty, and style.

By emulating Finn's unique style and adding it to your own singing technique, you can master the art of singing like a Split Enz concert performer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.